Beginner Java Programming
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TRC Beginner Programming Curriculum
Class 1
- Introduction, overview: Everyone should bring a laptop to class. Student laptops are ok.
- Set up accounts: Most students use their google account to sign in.
- Create first java replit, Hello World
- Click run and get output.
- Discuss the basic components of a java program.
- Explain the syntax.
- Show a couple examples where the program breaks because of bad syntax. Explain the error messages.
- Topics covered:
- Variables
- Primitive types and Expressions
- Introduction to numeric types: int, long, float, double.
- Numeric operators: +-*/%
- Useful constants like Math.PI
- Variable declarations and initialization
- String types: simple string creation, concatenation
- Introduction to boolean types and operators. && || == !=, >, < etc.
- Some practice with these types- give a few simple programming problems
Class 2
- Recap boolean expressions
- Introduction to while loops
- Using a variable to count loops
- Simple programs using while()
- Print the numbers 1 to 10
- Print the numbers 10 to 1
- Incrementing, decrementing,
- Introduction to if/else statements
- Simple conditional execution
- Combine if with while. For example, print even numbers up to 20.
- Introduction to Scanner and Random.
- Ask the user to input their name and repeat it back
- Ask for a number and repeat back its square
With these two we can start to build a complex program: play a guessing game: choose a random number between 1 and 10 and have the user guess the number, giving too low/ too high feedback. This might require step-by step building up the program with the students.
Assign the fizz buzz problem for homework.
Class 3
- Fizz buzz solution
- [SKIP] Do … while ⇔ while
- Introduction to for loops
- do several examples
- While ⇔ for loop
- Objects and classes: usually we use a working example of Robots or Animals
- Member variables
- Constructors
- Member methods
- Getters/setters
- Static class methods
- Inheritance - show some examples from FRC repos.
- Arrays
- Initialization
- Iterating
- Exercises: find the min, find the max, compute the average
- Case statements
- State machines
- Soda vending machine
- State transition diagram
- What variables are needed,
- Implementation as a class
- Exceptions - throwing/handling
- Wrap-up:
- Tour of FRC code base.
- Examples of state machines, inheritance
- Show example of a shooting state machine from the code.
- Installing WPILib, github desktop