Titan Robotics Club Wiki

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Revision as of 02:22, 25 April 2024 by Mikets (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Titan Robotics Club (TRC) Wiki! Here you can find some of the club's guiding principles, our records of the lessons we've learned from previous competitions, and other information useful for mitigating loss of knowledge as club members graduated.

General Robotics

Club Principles

Technical Principles

This is intended to be a brief outline of some of the guiding technical principles that we should keep in mind when designing and building our robot.

Drive Principles

Competition Checklist Template (Upload a word or PDF file here?)

FRC Seasons

FRC2024-2025: ReefScape

FRC2023-2024: Crescendo

FRC2022-2023: ChargedUp







FRC2015-2016: FirstStronghold

FRC2014-2015: RecycleRush

FRC2013-2014: AerialAssist

FRC2012-2013: UltimateAscent

FRC2011-2012: ReboundRumble

FRC2010-2011: LogoMotion

FRC2009-2010: Breakaway

FRC2008-2009: Lunacy

FRC2007-2008: FirstOverdrive

FTC Seasons

FTC2024-2025: IntoTheDeep

FTC2023-2024: CenterStage

FTC2022-2023: PowerPlay

FTC2021-2022: FreightFrenzy

FTC2020-2021: UltimateGoal

FTC2019-2020: SkyStone

FTC2018-2019: RoverRockus

FTC2017-2018: RelicRecovery

FTC2016-2017: VelocityVortex

FTC2015-2016: FirstResQ

FTC2009-2010: HotShot

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